
One Minute !

Atualizado dia 4/6/2014 8:18:25 AM em Espiritualidade
por Milton Roza Júnior

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Are you in a comfortable position?

Are you totally relaxed?

Are you in lotus posture or are you sitting on a chair with your hands on your leg?

Did you close your eyes?

Did you imagine yourself on a flowered place or in Shangri-lá?

Are you emptying your thoughts from worries, external events or family problems?

I think you are ready, then. Unless you think, you don’t need any of this.

Most of the times, it is necessary. It is your body and mental condition protocol. You must be alone for that. Sometimes your mind takes you far away, even when you at in India or at a Monastery, maybe at a Buddhist temple.

Protocols were made to help, although you can connect yourself in the middle of a crowd, on your work, at home full of people or even at a brothel.

Rules are set by the commitment with the Supreme.

Well, it doesn’t matter if you were able to get connected on the first stage, or not, or if you took more or less time. What matters is that you became Unique.

You must be thinking about why you remembered of strangers needing help more than you, of the sick people in hospitals, of a fight being separated, on an eventual war among leading powers and people suffering and you trying to comfort them, sometimes miles distant.

You noticed that you are not alone and that there are not only your loving beings that need you. You are the World now, and the World now is you. You connected yourself with the Unity. We are just one. Now you are not different from a blind person or someone with no limbs or a dwarf or a giant. You are now a Gandhi, or Buddha, being on ascension, a Christ, because at this moment you are God. And this moment will last an eternity.

Namaste and have a nice trip.

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Conteúdo desenvolvido por: Milton Roza Júnior   
O autor Milton Roza Júnior, lançou seu livro "A Semente" na bienal do Rio de Janeiro (estande M33/pavilhão VERDE). Uma conquista feita por trabalho, empenho e talento. O escritor só tem a agradecer e nada a pedir. NAMASTÊ.
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