
Light of the Soul

Publicado por Wagner Borges em STUM WORLD


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Translation: Nancy Juozapavicius - [email protected]

Dear spiritualist friend,

Nobility dresses up as purity.
It’s the skin of the great spiritualist.
It’s the one who gives the right path to your life
The evolution ideals that enhance the nature of the noble soul.

Existential crisis may come, yet the immortal ideals make the soul stronger.

When sadness arrives, this good soul reminds the helpful moments motivating other creatures. Reminds the good actions, visualizes the smile in thousand dimensions.

Yes! Many creatures all over the Cosmos are relieved by souls like thit.
Thousands of beings thank its dignifying effort.

So, when sadness shows up, this soul finds his helping hand.
When sadness has gone, this soul restarts on its path, because knows how to plan and deal with the LIGHT!

It is oriented by God to generate immortal moments on Earth.

- Rama -

(Channeled by Wagner Borges - Rio de Janeiro, January 23 1992 – from the book “Spiritual Trip III” “Viagem Espiritual III" - Editora Universalista).

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Sobre o autor
Wagner Borges é pesquisador, conferencista e instrutor de cursos de Projeciologia e autor dos livros Viagem Espiritual 1, 2 e 3 entre outros.
Visite seu Site e confira a entrevista.
Email: [email protected]
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