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The Faith

Publicado por Silvia Fávero em STUM WORLD


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Translated by Fernanda Silva - [email protected]

May the light of the Holy Ghost shine amongst you. With this light you are capable of everything. Remember the unbelieving apostles that thought Christ had abandoned them. You all know this part of the Bible but repeating it’s never enough. The apostles were sitting together considering why had Christ left them. They were afraid. They knew that there was a mission, but where to start? Then they received the Holy Ghost, that Spirit of Light which can help everyone. Form this moment on, the fear was over, they saw the Divine Light and immediately knew what to do and how to preach.

The same should happen to you. Even aware of you mission, how many times you find yourself afraid, without knowing what path to follow? Faithless, weakhearted. At this moment, pray for the Holy Ghost to bring you the Divine Light. You will see how bright it will become, you will be able to see your path or accept better what is your to live. There will be better comprehension.

Without the Divine Light none of us can move on. Neither you incarnated nor us, disincarnated. Nonetheless you forget about it quite frequently. In darkness you struggle, falling into despair. That’s very common. But always realize that the only way to move on is through the light and it’s given by the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Faith.

Think about it this week. If anyone of you is passing through a phase in which the darkness seems to be never-ending, try it. Pray to the Holy Ghost for Light. And you shall see that the Light always brings the darkness to its end, and everything will seem much easier. Just like our problems and pains look smaller at dawn.
This is what we have to teach you all this week.
May God and the Holy Spirit be with you.

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Sobre o autor
Silvia Fávero é cromoterapeuta
com especialidade em gestantes
e atende em São Paulo.

Email: [email protected]
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