
Lessons for a healthy life – Lesson 6

Lessons for a healthy life – Lesson 6
Publicado dia 5/20/2005 6:25:22 PM em STUM WORLD


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Translated by Nancy Juozapavicius - [email protected]

Life is movement. Rigidity is death. The mobility of our body manifests itself more directly in the agility of the articulations. Of course besides that the elasticity of the muscles is also an important factor. But all in the body is perfectly integrated and stiff articulations surely indicate stiff muscles as well.

Many times the stiffness crystallizes in our body with the limitations of the daily and customary movements, as the movements conditioned to the kind of work we do, but also, and mainly, with the stiffness of postures we have facing life…

As children, we are free and spontaneous beings: we play, jump, laugh, cackle, cry, skip, and say everything which comes to our minds, uncensored. The self-criticism, the self-condemnation and the loss of spontaneity start to show up and get stronger while we identify ourselves with certain cultural values, beliefs and social rules of behavior.
It’s obvious that the human cohabitation demands the learning and the exercise of the social ethics, but frequently the rules adopted harm the individual freedom, hinder the developments of their potentialities and end up becoming the ties for the evolution of the society itself.
Life is movement. Stiffness is death. Even when we are inactive we can realize the pulsation of life inside our bodies through breathing, the heartbeat and the movements in the internal organs.
To move in an unusual way, this is, do some exercises or practices that broaden the range of movements that you do in your daily routine is fundamental, not only to improve the flexibility and body agility, but also to dissolve the mental conditioning that stiffen our personality.
Dancing can be a good way. You can dance alone, free and spontaneously and try something very special. Choose a song that you like and inspires you to dance. Dive in the suggested images the song can bring and let you body move freely, without any pre-conceived attitude. Allow the emotions to guide your body and use the dance as a way of liberation.

por Sônia Imenes

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Lessons for a Healthy life - Lesson 5

Lessons for a Healthy Life – Lesson 7

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Sobre o autor
Sônia Imenes é Atriz-dançarina, terapeuta corporal,
praticante de Kempo e atende em São Paulo.
Oferece atendimentos de Massagem Thay.
Email: [email protected]
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