
Yemanjah, Mother of Waters and Flowers

Publicado por Wagner Borges em STUM WORLD


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Translation: Nancy Juozapavicius - [email protected]

Dear Mother of Waters, in first place, thank you for the bath I’ve just taken.
For these waters which cleaned my body and my energies.
Hoping they may have cleaned, also, my thoughts and my emotions.
With the body refreshed, I release the conscience in the waves of the breathing and think about you.
I imagine all the women in you!
Yes, I imagine my daughters, my mother and my present companion, in your dance over the waters.
I also imagine the great girlfriends I have in you!
Ah, these women, their beloved daughters, mothers, partners, friends, daughters, these irradiations of theirs...
Each one in her own special way, as they were particles of your smile and of your grace manifesting to the world.
Dear, we can throw flowers at the waves of the sea in your honor, but is you who throws your flowers at the waves of the world, to enrich life with the feminine presence, to smoothen the load of men and teach the art of subtlety, of the meeting and of lightness.
Yes, the flowers that you release in the waves of the world are the women!
Each one of them is a piece of yours. For you, it doesn’t matter their age or experience, all of them are you! And each one of them carries your spiritual perfume.
When they are born, during their lives and in the final journey, you are with them.
Ah, if each man could know he kisses you in each one of them.
Now I know that my mother, my daughters, my friends, my girlfriend and all the women, are you reincarnation, your media, your flowers emanating the perfume of life.
Because of this, I thank you.
For these women, for the bath, for the waters...
Hoping we, the men, can dignify the women with more conscience and respect. More than a face or a beautiful body. They are your flowers in the world.
Without them, it would be impossible to live on Earth!
Yemanjah, Mother of Waters, thank you for the flowers...

Ah, these women...
Mothers, daughters, partners, friends...
They are the colors and the glow of this world.
They are the flowers, they are the flowers, they are the flowers...

(Odoiyá! Salutation to Yemanjah. In Brazil, she is associated to the sea, even though in Africa she is more connected to the discharge of rivers. In African legends she is considered the daughter of Olokum, goddess of the sea. Mother who created many ‘orixas’, and is considered a Great Mother. In Bahia, the celebrations happen on February 2, in the neighborhood of Rio Vermelho, with national repercussion. Her instruments are the silvery ‘abebé’ – a kind o ritual fan - and a sword. Note: Information taken from the work “Imagens Duplas” (Double Images), which contains paintings related to the orixás, from the priest José Pinto, a great artist from Bahia, with a widely universal heart.) Yemanjá Odoiyá(*)

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Yemanjá, Mãe das Águas e das Flores

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Sobre o autor
Wagner Borges é pesquisador, conferencista e instrutor de cursos de Projeciologia e autor dos livros Viagem Espiritual 1, 2 e 3 entre outros.
Visite seu Site e confira a entrevista.
Email: [email protected]
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