

Atualizado dia 3/28/2014 1:56:38 PM em Espiritualidade
por Milton Roza Júnior

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There are thousands of angels at your side.

Try to experience being welcomed at a certain time of your life; it is not that you need or that you need help. Experience being with the human angels around you - because all of them are. Some may be dressed in black, others in brown, or white and even in green.

It doesn’t matter!

Simply experience to be cheerful with everybody around you. Imagine that everybody around you has beautiful wings with white thick feathers. All of us, at some point in our lives need to reconnect.

You better do it now!

At the race, all of them were at the same starting point. The big bang was discharged, and we were scattered from the Source. We fly everywhere at different speeds.

Remember that one day you were just an atom, and became an ion where the electrons and protons were placed irregularly, some with more protons than electrons and vice versa. After the Great Player´s cards were on the table, there was a moment, a nanosecond, where His Will was to reorganize them. With this in mind, He starts to gather the cards, one by one with no distinction if it is an Ace of Diamonds or Douce of Clubs, it doesn’t matter. All of them will go back to the draw deck some day. All the cards will have smiling figures, uncombed hairs, and dirty bare feet as children playing during their eternal youth. The Father knows that. He knows about the dangers of having a son getting hurt, or having his foot cut, or fighting with another child. But it doesn’t matter. You have to trust, because you know that when getting home the child will be happy for having gone out and returned safe and sound and alone, such as an adult to his Home.

Is it possible for you to hear Your Voice call you for dinner and rest so the following day you continue searching for happiness?

Experience it, experience it. Do your best and continue to grow. He will always be sitting down watching us and waiting for our return. Always and Forever.


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Conteúdo desenvolvido por: Milton Roza Júnior   
O autor Milton Roza Júnior, lançou seu livro "A Semente" na bienal do Rio de Janeiro (estande M33/pavilhão VERDE). Uma conquista feita por trabalho, empenho e talento. O escritor só tem a agradecer e nada a pedir. NAMASTÊ.
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