
Silence !!!

Atualizado dia 4/14/2014 4:50:27 AM em Espiritualidade
por Milton Roza Júnior

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How is to be alone in the middle of the crowd?

Something shakes in the long way towards our Path. Free falls are set in motion and almost always we find ourselves low spirited or even hurt after a painful fall. Events like that may soften us; they can also give us strength, by making us getting up more straight, with the column fully stretched to have self control.

The fall is nothing less than what is called the demon and this name is in small letters because he DOES NOT EXIST.

It is not a question of believing, but of reasoning.

Why would the Master of the Universe create a force with so much power even to challenge him? This is improper and senseless.

I intend to show on this text that the evil is the absence of the good and not a comprised force. In fact, WE ARE our greatest enemy. That is, OUR EGO.

In the church it is said that the Master of Hate is outside us, as if God is outside ourselves. WE ARE GODS, because we are what we want to be.

We can become GOD when we dive in deep-seas surrounded by white sharks, not to save a son, but the son of the SUPREME.

We can become GOD when a medical doctor cures a newcomer beggar in the hospital, with continuous beats on the heart.

We can become GOD when we cure with prayers a person of cancer, who wishes to be cured.

Of course, it is a different way of thinking. GOD is sitting on a throne surrounded by angels that expect attitudes from us. But what are these attitudes? Is it to be in silence when we run across the fire, or madly scream for help? Well, sometimes there is just a stray dog in the building, isn’t it?

But we are in danger of activating our Inner Voice and do what has to be done.

Some say that Silence is the greatest virtue. I agree. But when we talk about the True Silence, from my point of view, is not allowing you to be reached. That is, remaining silent, inside yourself, meditating, discovering virtues, looking for courage, abundance, fertile soils to reach LOVE.


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Conteúdo desenvolvido por: Milton Roza Júnior   
O autor Milton Roza Júnior, lançou seu livro "A Semente" na bienal do Rio de Janeiro (estande M33/pavilhão VERDE). Uma conquista feita por trabalho, empenho e talento. O escritor só tem a agradecer e nada a pedir. NAMASTÊ.
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