

Atualizado dia 3/24/2014 2:53:24 AM em Espiritualidade
por Milton Roza Júnior

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Recall! Recall! Recall!

It is time to celebrate the changes. It is time to let the EGO go and transcend the third dimension Beta limitation wave. Expansion and Ascension are leading to duality tied to the fear of losing, fear of having, fear of what you´ve been and what can be.

The human nature which is based on attachments and the ego will not be transformed. It will not access superior dimensions that don’t depend on space and time. The portals speed up information that we discover within us and that wake up star beings inner memories. Integrate mind and spirit is to look outwards and inwards, they are sides of the same coin, of the same Being.

Through meditation, body and mind are detached from the Third Dimension Beta level and the frequency changes and experience changes. The being change. Conditioning is based on fear that makes difficult the understanding of the multidimensional being.

There is no guilt. There is detachment that is speeded for the inevitable ascension process to the fifth and sixth dimensions.

During the twenty six thousand years galactic cycle, the archives were inert and asleep. Now the movement is to be aware and to awake from a complementing long night. The complement is in itself the true now. It is the empowerment of integration of mind and spirit. It is to be human beings and at the same time Angels in Gaia.

This is to enter in contact with the Star family. It is the change through Theta brain waves the platinum energy gets in when one is off the tridimensional duality. Not being tied means to disconnect. It is to “disautomatize”, it is to understand you, and it is a Quantum Leap. The Creative force guides the changes and it is a process of separation and closeness to unconditional Love. Without it, there is no miracle, and it is impossible to understand what a cosmic being is. There is much to be forgotten and much to be remembered in order to break out of the vicious cycle of fear. Nobody is judged for staying nor judged for leaving. The process is inevitable; sooner or later it will happen.
The anchored being suffers more, and it is not given welcome to his deepest unconscious self that is the Unique Being. There is an increase on the grid on integration, and you are looser. There is the mind and body opening at the Christic moment, the collective consciousness is to reassume its power and there is no intent on reaching Heaven, but Heaven will reach US.



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Conteúdo desenvolvido por: Milton Roza Júnior   
O autor Milton Roza Júnior, lançou seu livro "A Semente" na bienal do Rio de Janeiro (estande M33/pavilhão VERDE). Uma conquista feita por trabalho, empenho e talento. O escritor só tem a agradecer e nada a pedir. NAMASTÊ.
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