
The Miracle of Nivea - Chapter I

Atualizado dia 5/14/2014 3:27:22 AM em Almas Gêmeas
por Milton Roza Júnior

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At sunset, the trip back home was over.

However, the dreams and daydreams remained vividly in their minds. It was difficult to say where the thoughts of the two lovers were; yet, it was easy to detect their emotions, which caused intense trembling of passion. There was a slight gap in the emotions of the couple – the woman thought about a new life, and he thought about a possible farewell to his world of peace and quietness. Something very important was about to happen. Maybe a new solar system would appear to those astronomers of love. Something in their minds had to be changed. Disagreements for silly arguments are not allowed when powerful and overwhelming feeling is present,

There are times when strong winds carry the rain– it was a thin rain, and the wind was only a gentle breeze. However, nature has its reasons: the wind got stronger, and the water fell aggressively from the skies.

They arrived home soaked since they had not carried an umbrella.

The wind, with its masculine side, blamed the rain for being too sensitive to its power of seduction. In return, the rain blamed the wind for not even thinking that its fear could lead to aggressiveness, making the rain affect its femininity.

Both of them had their shoes full of water and they took them off when entering home.

The man forgot the bedroom window open. The wind and the rain had reached the core of the house, and he rushed to stop nature by means of a door latch. However, the man´s will of not allowing in the inevitable, was in vain. A huge blow of wind destroyed the latch and the windows slammed open with great violence against the walls. Sometimes the wind was deafening with its whispers, and the rain would confront it with howls, so it changed its position as if to avoid a violent boxer.
In fact, the rain always wanted to confuse this engagement, moving itself away and, at the same time, allowing itself to be subdued by a mixture of love, pain, shame and guilt. We could describe it euphemistically as an unstable relationship.

Instability was present on the continuous, cautious and deep movements which occupied the path to the Vase of Jung.

The storm reached the top of Mount Shasta together with a mixture of cold, heat and trembles.

After the enlace, both wind and rain, were helped by the sun of dawn which dried the soaked ground, full of puddles and holes on account of the storm. Neither one of the two travelers of the just ended twilight could risk falling into another friction-affair again.

The desired fact was accomplished.

After the glorious sunshine arrival, the couple decided to leap from the storm to the raindrops falling from the tiles, and opened the windows to air the house. The ground was dry with no humidity whatsoever. Both of them left some tracks of the past which rebounded without condemnation or inquisition.

So, the obvious happened. All of a sudden, the couple returned to their short memories, staring at each other, with a new blow of seduction; their lips were humid and became stuck together. They seemed to want to try a new way of conducting themselves, or to give a new direction, or a new meaning to life as a couple. It was a new manner of conducting pleasure, on the road with a blue and pink walkway. Again, it was the encounter of twin souls being enlightened and blessed by the sunlight.

Their soaked clothes did not hide the lovers’ sweat. The fire was the support where the sacred union created by God was shown. The arid ground of the ended roughness and discussions was filled with desire. Again, the poles were together, showing passion and love. It jumped from an unstable to a stable union, and the house was blessed by a new communion of bodies. Clothes were spread on the floor. Hairs were all tangled. Hands tied together. Flaming caresses. There was an ember in the middle of the bed. A fire that couldn’t be extinguished by the firemen, much less by any fleet, since the water would boil, and mix up the four elements. Water would become fire and earth would become air.

After the second consumption, they said goodbye placing their feet on the red carpet which was waiting for them after the union of the celestial bodies, thus forming a supernova, a way to communicate with no words, since just stars talk on stage.

Just like the silent and active Universe, both of them left the bedroom hand in hand, naked from top to toe, loving each other with happy glances, and uncommitted fingertips caresses.

When opening the windows they saw that the ground was totally dry. The concrete of the big city, still had the smell of humidity, and had gone for some time, giving way to a bright sunny day, since it had been a night of exchange. Time and space said goodbye to their reality. The day was already meeting the workers. The night had been rather hot, and breakfast was ready for the “three beings” to enjoy it…

The extra strong coffee maintained their metabolism in high level – caffeine activated their brains; their hearts were slightly set aside, with their once strong mismatched beats. Intellect and the daily life returned to the proper place. After breakfast, their brains were working at high level of discernment, so they started to understand what had happened in the past long and stormy night.

They were moved to think about what had happened; they were trying to understand how a common experience became out of limits of a simple night of love. The magic red and rose which hovered on the air, turned into violet, and, at that moment, it could be felt like a rebirth.

There were no conflicted thoughts silently bubbling in their minds, and with the help of telepathy, they started to laugh with extreme happiness.

- “Have we made it?” She asked in ecstasy.
- “Just God knows”, said the man concealing the obvious.

There´s no use on trying to deceive oneself about what had happened. The important fact was that the union of the four elements – earth, fire, water and air – formed alchemy that, in an eventual turning of a page in the future, their lives would be transformed.

The Miracle has happened…

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Conteúdo desenvolvido por: Milton Roza Júnior   
O autor Milton Roza Júnior, lançou seu livro "A Semente" na bienal do Rio de Janeiro (estande M33/pavilhão VERDE). Uma conquista feita por trabalho, empenho e talento. O escritor só tem a agradecer e nada a pedir. NAMASTÊ.
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