

Atualizado dia 5/14/2014 4:48:04 AM em Psicologia
por Milton Roza Júnior

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While getting ready to go to work, Kin’s memory came to mind and a story of Gandhi and what he used to carry in his bag.

He remembered they were simple things like needles, thread, amongst other small things, the three monkeys’ symbol. Did you know that this great man was extremely humble, and he understood that if his clothes needed mending, he had needle and thread to reconstitute them? But why did he carry the three monkeys symbol with him and had one of them with their eyes covered, the other covering his ears and, the last one covering his mouth? The shift from his house to his post was not that long, deciding to leave when the clock rung.

He lived alone, a young man with few friends. He only had one girlfriend at a time, for he cared for his libido not only as his genitals but as an energetic young. Kin read a lot, but he would not understand the symbols so clearly and why they were so important. “Why would an intelligent man like Gandhi carry this? Maybe to remind himself of something”, he said to himself.

Kin got dressed, realized everything was turned off, only the refrigerator was working, he turned the key that was on the door three times, like he always did, he prayed and began to walk. About thirteen meters from his house he saw a very beautiful woman, with long hair over her shoulders, large breasts and her body reminded him of the waves of the ocean, crying on the corner. He did not know what dominated him at that moment when he saw that lovely woman.

He then decided to follow his instincts. He went towards her and and tried to console her saying: Why would such a lovely young lady like yourself be here on this corner so sad? Don’t be like that.

The world goes round and round and soon, everything will go away. She was in silence, turned her eyes towards Kin in milliseconds. He noticed that her eyes were bluish green; she had face round like the moon, and chunky lips... At that moment he felt a great attraction to that solitary woman. He asked her where she lived and if she needed help. He did not know which of these he did first, but the important thing was to help her. She said she had been living there for a short time and a few blocks from where they were.

In heroic tone, he said that he would take her home, seeing it was close to his job and that he was on time. He accompanied her to where she said she lived.

She was very thankful and invited him in for coffee. “It’s the least I can do” she said to Kin. He felt safe enough to enter. He didn’t even pay attention to the amount of turn the key made on the door, like he usually did, and he did not mind that the woman said she had lost her keys, and that was the reason she had left the door open. His curiosity crushed his mind. Kin seated himself in a comfortable sofa in the living room and waited anxiously for his decaffeinated coffee. “I only like decaf. It’s the purest”, said the woman. She brought two cups, and while she went along in front of him, he imagined her body without that red dress. The woman sat very close to Kin, touching the cup with one hand and having the other rest on her leg. He, at the same instant, looked at her and wanted to kiss her chunky lips, they were like two magnets coming close together. The cups that were in her hand almost fell. But still it was a form of thanks coming from the woman.

He grasped the cup fiercer fully as the image of the woman began to disappear from his mind. All you could see where two mouths opened, kind of breathless spreading their coffee breaths between their bodies.

They were as close as the sun and moon; she deviated her route and kissed him on the cheek.

“I am not ready for this right now”, she said. Due to the tension being cut off, he reiterated himself in questions. Why not? What is your worry? What are you afraid of? Why were you crying? The woman answered: “Everything will be clarified, let’s have decaf coffee first, it leaves me calmer”. Kin, with his coffee being warmer, drank at once to hear her replies as soon as possible. She also drank, but in a more moderate way: “I am going to take these dishes, I will be right back”.

Kin began to stay calm, too calm, at that. He thought of how he did not sleep well that night and fell asleep.

When he woke up, he looked at the clock and it indicated that it was noon, he took his cell phone from his pocket and saw that there were three messages: one from his boss, one from his girlfriend, and another one from someone he did not know. He looked for the woman all through the house, except in the attic. He went up the stairs, opened a small door, and hot vapor mixed itself up with some rotten smell that quickly entered through his nostrils. He remembered that close to an entrance there is always a light switch. With a mix of fear and anxiety, as soon as the many lights went on, showing the reason for his being there, there were three bodies on the floor: an elderly couple and a child. He began to tremble. He began to walk down the stairs like firemen do in movies when they are looking for a fire. But Kin had already found it; the steps that linked the first and second floor of the house seemed like electronic staircases, something that took twenty seconds only took him two. The door knob slid in his hands, for the thick liquid that was on the light switch was now all over his hands and his white work shirt. He was dirty with coagulated blood. A thin siren noise became thick and finally they knocked on the door saying “Open, it’s the police!!!”
What occurred happened in his mind and everything was clarified like she had said, especially what the three monkeys meant:


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Conteúdo desenvolvido por: Milton Roza Júnior   
O autor Milton Roza Júnior, lançou seu livro "A Semente" na bienal do Rio de Janeiro (estande M33/pavilhão VERDE). Uma conquista feita por trabalho, empenho e talento. O escritor só tem a agradecer e nada a pedir. NAMASTÊ.
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