

Atualizado dia 14/05/2014 04:39:51 em Corpo e Mente
por Milton Roza Júnior

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We were in an endless forest, but in profound peace. It was the 28th, end of the month and the year was going along rapidly, ever since the*Fge of the Spanish. It had been days since we had found ourselves in such harmony, for rain would fall at the right time; the sun would appear in places only it would allow himself to. And his sister, the moon, his eternal companion, completed the spectacle in a dance apparently lacking movement. However, everything moves itself and transforms. Even trees, in dense and complex communion had their tireless and slow movement.

These words that came to mind reminded me of my ancestors. They grew to walk slower and slower. But with more wisdom in the donation of their knowledge. This made them grand like these rare and unimaginable variety of tress.

We found trees like these that existed a couple of moons from here and that reminds me of something an old man said once.—Nations can be tithed in any part of the world, but God always allows one or two species of different sex so that each child can find one that is similar in another distant land, because in reality, we are always ONE representing a DISCOVERY.

Even if this WHOLE is many, like it actually is.

And here I am, Klia with my husband Kim that bravely fought against the Spanish. But unfortunately, after an incident in the last battle, one of his legs lost its movement. That is when we decided to flee before they tithed our race. Your father helped us while he could with transport until we arrived here. Now he is with the great warriors that faithfully protected the pyramided temples that were robbed by foreigners.

While Kim waited in our home mounted by his father and I, after weeks of flee, I was going to search for food in the new land, especially to try and find a beneficial tree that in our city we used to use to cure cases like Kim’s. This tree always found itself in the middle of agglomeration and normally with it came “Hades”, a similar plant that contained deadly fruits. We would offer them to the Spanish as courtesy, pretending to be superior to our people, foretelling through the oracle, what would happen to our people. The fruit had nice a appearance. But it brought subtle death in exactly four weeks. Its poison would attack the cardiac system, and appearing to have a time set, they would fall like dolls. They would blame our gods for this cruel destiny and as they did not know the name of our adoration, they would call the Hades tree and its fruit Persephone.

In an afternoon that appeared to be insulate, I saw about 500 meters from where the sun rose, a grove that mixed itself up with two symbols of good and evil, always so close like in our life.

The first I recognized and did not even get close. But the second, I called Stem-cell, for you did not use its fruit but you used its bluish peel to make tea.

The name my family gave that tree had three meanings: one was its bluefish tone that made it look like the sky, hula was the name given to newborns as it means purity. From the trunk we extracted the exterior to make tea, for the fruits were very small, tasted like nothing and had no use. And with all happiness in my heart, I took what would be the beginning of Kim’s treatment.
From the exterior he drank the tea for weeks and in the second month you could already see some progress, for example his toes moving. After the seventh month, the foreseen occurred:

Kim stood up and started to take his first steps.

The happiness in our small family was uncontrollable. From blue things, only miracles could arouse. Like the color of the sky where the gods, through the stars, would guide all of our footsteps, advances and rebirths.

We had three boys and we taught them the story of how our civilization was constructed. We did not tell them about the massacre after the arrival of the foreigners, so that in their adult lives they would be complacent with the ones who are different and so they would cultivate this new home like new born children without hate in their hearts. The gold that we accumulated and that clinged us to material things, or mysteries, profound knowledge that we went through in palatine doses... We did not hand them over to anyone strange without a fight. However, we would make simplicity and sweetness our slogan to whoever wanted to see it.

When we grew old, one of them returned from their cultivation journey and said that he saw the ocean and that in a few days, he saw enormous ships reaching the coast. He told us about his hardships on land and the unconscious fear that he had with everything that came from the sea.

So he asked us what he should do.

I serenely responded that if the visitors were bad, we’d show them Hades and if they were good, we’d teach them the way to cure through the blue of Sky.


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Conteúdo desenvolvido por: Milton Roza Júnior   
O autor Milton Roza Júnior, lançou seu livro "A Semente" na bienal do Rio de Janeiro (estande M33/pavilhão VERDE). Uma conquista feita por trabalho, empenho e talento. O escritor só tem a agradecer e nada a pedir. NAMASTÊ.
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